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Mold health issues

What are you thoughts on the extent of mold causes for chronic illness. I have had two positive tests for mycotoxins in my urine and am working with a Dr to clear this.

Keto diet

Hi, I love your podcast and I have learnt so much! I have been on a keto, low-fodmap diet for over 2 months now as I have had lots of problems with my gut for years now, especially after having gallstones. My nutritionist has given me various enzymes, probiotics and I have also taking some detoxification liquid drops. I am feeling a lot better, my energy is better, I don't get so hungry so regularly and I have no tummy pain. I can't seem to lose any weight though which is confusing and annoying me, I am wondering why I haven't lost any?

Benefits of cold water...

I have recently started having cold baths every day and after the initial shock, I feel great. I would love to know more about the health benefits of doing this - I've been reading about cardio, brain health, immune and mood benefits, but haven't found an information source I trust. Also, is this the best way to do this? Or do I need ice?? I tend to stay in for 5-10 minutes - does the length of time make a difference. Thank you. I love your podcast. 😃

Food cravings

I struggle with food cravings - I eat a very healthy diet around meal times, but crave crisps, chocolate and bread. I keep sabotaging my weight loss goals with this junk food. Any tips or supplements you can suggest?